7 Benefits of Using a Gledhill PulsaCoil Boiler System.

Gledhill Pulsacoil all-in-one hot water storage and heating system

A Gledhill PulsaCoil is a type of hot water storage system that uses electricity to heat water for domestic use. It has been in high demand for apartments, flats, and other multi-occupancy buildings where there is limited space for a traditional hot water tank. Because it has undergone several updates and improvements over the years, […]

What is a Gledhill Pulsacoil and How Does a Gledhill Pulsacoil Work (the Benefits!)?

If you have recently discovered the existence of a Gledhill Pulsacoil, your next google search probably led you to this ‘How Does a Geldhill Pulsacoil Work’ blog. Now that you’re diving into this niche, you’re well on your way to becoming a well-established DIY plumberWhat is a Gledhill Pulsacoil? For those who haven’t googled what […]